e – Voice Of Human Rights Watch – e-news weekly
Spreading the light of humanity & freedom
Editor : Nagaraj.M.R.........................vol.2…issue.48.....................10/02/2007
- Government officials murdering innocents in league with greedy industrialists
In india, & many other 3rd world countries , the larger corporations , MNCs & industry lobby is literally running the governments. They are grossly abusing human rights of people. Hereby, HRW calls upon GOI to rein in those corporations. It is not the first time that , the harmful effects of colas – food beverages are made public. The government is aiding the cola companies in covering-up their crimes , in hiding harmful ingradients of their products in the name of trade secrets. The government is yet to enact a new food legislation making it mandatory for all manufacturers of food items to specifgically
mention the type & quantity of ingradients on each food product. Even , under the present food Act itself the government officials can ban the harmful colas & other products in the interest of public health & lives. Then how will they get kickbacks ?
The cola companies are so cunning & ruthless that they have used muscle power – rowdies , corrupt police personnel & assaulted harmless peaceful protestors. The cola companies have purchased justice previously in kerala & got favourable judgement. Due to presence of cola companies , under water table has depleted in surrounding villages. The farmers are unable to grow their crops & are committing suicides. One of the senior executive of a cola company – BEJOIS , MADE MURDER THREATS , FIX-UPS IN FALSE CASES TO EDITOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH'S and even made false complaint to police , but repeatedly failed to turn-up for enquiry fearing that truth will come out. The police closed the case subsequently.
In India , many medicines / drugs manufacturing companies are silently murdering thousands of innocent patients. Some of these companies are manufacturing counterfeit drugs of popular brands. Some MNCs , big drug companies are in cheating business , they are just filling chalk powder in tablets where as on the outer cover they mention ingradients & quantities of it which are not at all their in the product. The patients who are taking these chalk powder tablets , hoping that they will get cured of diseases are dying due to lack of proper medication. These greedy , cheating drug companies are also exporting these counterfeit drugs to many third world countries like Nigeria. The drugs controller of Nigeria has caught hold of evidences about these illegal drugs & their import from India. These companies with the aid of mafia even tried to finish her off. The GOI is yet to take action on her complaint. Silence of GOI bought for a price by drug companies.
Just a few months back , there was a programme called "bad medicine" on BBC channel , where in the drugs controller for Nigeria proved that 95% of drugs in nigeria are fake & 80% of them are being exported from india. These indian fake medicines are killing hundreds of innocents in nigeria & she is crusading to control to control it. She has survived murder attempts by the pharma drugs mafia linked to india. She came over to india along with BBC correspondent & under- cover they went to greedy industrialists. The said industrialists- FAKE SPECIALISTS boasted how they fake the holograms , labels of big MNCs , how they add chalk powder , paracetamol to all tablets , how they gifted imported car to a chief minister in return for protecting their crimes fake businesses , etc. At the end, the drugs controller for india , refused to give an interview, EVEN TO MEET the BBC correspondent, fearing that all his beans will spill out. just 2 years back in karnataka, honourable lokayukta justice N.Venkatachala raided certain pharmaceutical
companies & drugs control department officials and unearthed a huge scam of Rs.200 crore of fake medicines. However the government didn't take any action as politicians were also part of the ring & threw the report on a back burner.
In india, how many are dying due to fake medicines – the corrupt officials are covering the numbers & shielding the murderers the greedy industrialists. Previously HRW has appealed to government authorities including supreme court of India , but to no avail. It is a sad pointer to the grim fact that in India there is no value for human lives & the long
arm of corruption has even reached the apex court. JAI HIND , VANDE MATARAM , GOD' SAVE MY INDIA.
Your's sincerely,
-Are you disclosing full information to the consumers about contents of your products ?
various soft drink manufacturers & bottled drinking water manufacturers draw their raw material- water from the tube wells . nowadays due to excessive usage of chemical fertilizers , pesticide , insecticides , the ground water table is polluted by these chemicals . these are very harmful for human beings. In some areas even the ground water is poisoned by arsenic & flouride . In addition the soft drink manufacturers use chemical flavours , food additives & preservatives in their products . these are also harmful to human beings above certain limits.
Some of the MNCs are practicing double standards , while in their home operations in the U.S.A they are strictly adhering to F.D.A norms as consumer safety is strictly enforced there by the government , while in India they have thrown to wind the consumer safety with respect to indian operations. The situation is so worse that it has been reported in the media that SOME FARMERS ARE USING THESE SOFT DRINKS AS PESTICIDES IN THEIR FARMS. Hereby, i want following questions answered by soft drink
manufacturers specifically coca-cola & pepsi,
1.how you are removing the harmful chemicals from the tube well water ie your raw material ?
2.how you are ensuring the proper mixture of food additives , preservatives & flavours within safe limits ?
3.why not you are giving the exact quantity of all contents in the soft drink of your's on the product itself ?
4. are you exactly replicating your manufacturing & quality norms of your U.S.A operations in india ? if not why ?
5.are you strictly adhering to food norms of government of india ?
6. are you keeping the F.D.A NORMS OF U.S.A as benchmark for your operations in india ?
7. are you ready for the laboratory test of your product randomly selected by the consumer ?
8. Are they using genetically modified food ingredients ?
9. are they using ingredients sourced from animal origins ?.
India has not ratified the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) with torture remaining rampant as a method of criminal investigation in the country. Even in more developed areas of India, from the point of view of the educational level of the people, like Kerala, torture is still common. The widespread use of torture occurs despite commendable judicial decisions, such as the famous Basu vs. the State of West Bengal, which laid down detailed rules on arrest, detention and the like, which, if applied, would lead toward the elimination of torture. The prevalence of torture is also not due to the lack of forensic facilities or forensic training available to the Indian police; for in recent years, there has been considerable sophistication achieved with regard to equipment and training. Torture though remains endemic due to other factors, such as bribery and corruption and the lack of a speedy and efficient disciplinary control mechanism. The tolerance of torture by higher-ranking officers and some prominent politicians of the central government as well as various states has not ceased. The failure of the Indian government to ratify CAT is itself a manifestation of the irresoluteness on the part of the state to bring this evil practice to an end.
In addition, India’s record on delays in adjudication, including matters of criminal justice, are among the worst in the world. Court cases may go on for five or 10 years or even longer—delays in the judicial system that virtually distort the whole process of justice. The prevalence of these delays prevents the possibility of judicial enforcement of the basic rights of the people. While the higher courts still produce significant judgments, the justice that the average litigant receives is still of a primitive nature. Delays allow corruption and negligence. Accusations of corruption among some of the judiciary of all ranks are now an open accusation that has not been reputed in any credible way.
Another major problem facing the country is the caste system. Despite many commitments expressed by India’s best-known leaders since independence to end this great social divide, it is still one of the greatest obstacles to progress in Indian society. Dalits, or “Untouchables,” for instance, are among the worst victims of torture and other abuses of human rights in the country. Dalits also suffer from delays in justice and the absence of access to justice. Thus, their misery is specifically linked to serious defects in the criminal justice system.
The absence of justice also contributes to deeply entrenched poverty and starvation. The AHRC’s studies on starvation deaths have revealed that there have been deaths caused by starvation even due to the negligence of magistrates who have particular responsibilities relating to these matters.
In short, the neglect of justice in India is of such a proportion that it challenges India's claim of being a vibrant democracy. India's democracy, in fact, is fundamentally flawed and is unable to maintain the rights of its ordinary folk. The powerful, for the most part, are still above the law.
Dear Chief Minister,
INDIA: Human rights activist detained in police custody on a frivolous charge
Name of victim: Mr. Gopen Sharma, aged about 44 years, Bayarampur village, Jalangi, Murshidabad district, West Bengal state, India
Alleged perpetrators: Police officers attached with Raninagar police station, Murshidabad district, West Bengal state, India
Place of incident: Kaharpara and Raninagar police station
Date of incident: 8 February 2007
I am writing to you to express my concern regarding an alleged incident of assault and detention of a human rights activist Mr. Gopen Sharma on 8 February 2007. I am informed that Gopen was assaulted by Sarkar, a resident of Kaharpara on 8 February 2007 when Gopen was visiting the Border Security Force (BSF) out-post in Kaharpara in connection with the case of the murder of a person.
I am informed that Gopen sought help from the BSF officer who instead of helping Gopen took him into custody and produced him before the Raninagar police station. However, the police officers too refused to help Gopen, but registered a case against him as crime 21/2007 and detained him in custody. I am also informed that Mr. Sarkar, who assaulted Gopen is also detained in custody, but without any charge and is likely to let off.
I am concerned to know about this case since the facts of the case suggest that the police is engaged in a harassment tactic upon Gopen since they know that he was responsible for filing complaints against them in the past with the National Human Rights Commission and also the state government authorities. I am also concerned why the police desisted from informing Gopen the reason for his arrest and detention, which is a violation of procedural laws in India. It is alleged that the police officers harassed Gopen accusing him of filing complaints with human rights groups against the police and the BSF.
I therefore request you to kindly intervene in this matter so that an inquiry is ordered into the entire incident and the conduct of the Raninagar police in relation to crime 21/2007 is inquired into. I also request you to take appropriate actions so that a case is also registered against Mr. Sarkar, who assaulted Gopen and the case against Gopen is withdrawn if necessary after an independent inquiry.
I hope that you will take appropriate actions in this case at the earliest.
Yours sincerely,
Dear The Chief Minister of Manipur,
INDIA: One man killed and two others seriously injured by the Indian paramilitary\'s firing in a church compound
Name of victims:
1. Mr. Henpu Singsit Khoken, resident of New Keithelmanbi village, Seiprameina, Senapati district, Manipur [deceased]
2. Mr. S. Letkholal Haokip alias Palal, resident of Khoken village, New Keithelmanbi, Seiprameina, Senapati district, Manipur
3. Mr. Seiminthang Haokip, resident of Kotlen village, New Keithelmanbi, Seiprameina, Senapati district, Manipur
Alleged perpetrators: Personnel from 32 Assam Rifle (AR) stationed at Kotlen village, Senapati district, Manipur
Place of incident: Khoken church compound in Khoken village, Seiprameina, Senapati district, Manipur state, India
Date of incident: At around 12:30pm on 31 January 2007
I am writing to you to express my concern regarding an alleged incident of indiscriminate firing in a church compound by the officers from the 32 Assam Rifle (AR) on 31 January 2007 at about 12.30 p.m. in Khoken village of Senapati district of Manipur. I am informed that a person, aged about 36 years succumbed to the bullet injury and two others were seriously injured in the incident. I am informed that the AR has refused to accept responsibility of the incident.
I am also informed that the victim Mr. Henpu, who sustained a bullet injury in his chest, succumbed to the injuries on the way to the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS). The other two were admitted to the same hospital and currently undergoing treatment.
I am also informed about the statements given by the injured persons at the RIMS. Mr. Letkholal who sustained a bullet injury on his left arm is in a position to identify the AR officers who fired at them.
I therefore urge you to immediately intervene in this case and register case of murder against AR officers responsible for the firing. The officers must be identified, arrested and prosecuted. I also urge you to give appropriate compensation to the deceased\'s family and the injured persons. The witnesses in the case, including the injured must be given complete protection so that they are not forced to withdraw their statements.
Further, I request you to ensure that the civil and political rights of the people of Manipur are safeguarded by ending the military rule and an unconditional withdrawal of the emergency laws in the state.
I hope that you will take appropriate actions in this case at the earliest.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission of India,
INDIA: Police inaction in alleged assault and death threat against a human rights activist
Name of victim: Mr. Santhosh Kumar Patel, son of Mr Raghubar Patel, resident of Manapur village under Phulpur police station in Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh state, India
Alleged perpetrators:
1. Mr Sijjan Yadav, resident of Pindra village under Phulpur police station in Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh state, India
2. Mr Raju Yadav, resident of Asila, Pindra village
3. Mr Ajeet Patel, resident of Ramaipur, Pindra village
Place of incident: Near Surya Narayan Inter College in village Pindra under Phulpur police station in Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh state, India
I am writing to you to express my concern regarding the alleged attack and threat to life of a human rights activist in Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh state, India. I am informed that the Phulpur police who initially refused to register the case upon a complaint filed by the activist are now failing to investigate the case and arrest the alleged perpetrators even though they were named in the complaint.
Mr. Santhosh Kumar Patel, a human rights activist associated with PVCHR, a well known human rights organization in India, has been working in different villages of Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh on human rights issues, particularly on issues related to caste based discrimination, corruption and hunger.
I am informed that on 2 February 2007 at about 8.45, Mr. Santhosh was allegedly assaulted and threatened to death by the above mentioned perpetrators. It is alleged that the perpetrators were working for and on behalf of the village-head of Pindra village. I am also informed that the alleged reason for the victim\'s assault and threat was that Mr. Santhosh had filed a petition with the concerned authorities seeking information regarding the utilisation of government funds intended to be used for government welfare programme for the poor. It is suspected that the village-head who had misused the funds was informed by the authorities about the application and the village-head was trying to ward off exposure of corruption by threatening Mr. Santhosh to withdraw the application.
After the assault when Mr. Santhosh went to the Phulpur police station to lodge his complaint against the aforesaid perpetrators, the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the Phulpur police station refused to register a case. Finally the case was registered by the police after Mr. Santhosh, who came back with the villagers to the police station, persuaded them for three hours. However, the perpetrators named in the complaint are yet to be arrested since the local police are refusing to investigate the case.
I therefore urge you to immediately intervene in this case and to ensure the safety of Mr. Santhosh so that he could continue working in the area. I also urge you to ensure that the local police will investigate the case and immediately arrest the alleged perpetrators. I am surprised to hear that even after daily newspaper reports in India about police inaction to promote criminals in India, the state of corrupt policing has not been addressed by the authorities in India. I urge you to take appropriate action in this case and ensure that the entire incident is enquired into and the perpetrators punished.
I hope your proper action immediately.
Yours sincerely,
Militarisation and impunity in Manipur
Manipur, which is situated on the border of Burma in India’s northeast, has witnessed low-intensity armed conflict ever since it was annexed to India in 1949, when the King Budhachandra was coerced into signing the Merger Agreement. The merger was rejected by local people as it was not discussed and ratified by the Manipur Legislative Assembly, which had been formed with an adult franchise in 1948. In response to people’s attempts to assert their right to self determination the government of India deployed its armed forces and subsequently enacted special emergency laws, the most notorious being the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act of 1958, which suspends fundamental rights, including the right to obtain a legal remedy for violations of other rights, including killing by state officers.
The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act declared Manipur a ‘disturbed’ area and legitimized full-scale military operations, permitting even a non-commissioned officer to extinguish kill on mere suspicion with guaranteed immunity. The extent of military deployment is such that at the height of anti-insurgent operations in the 1990s there were at least four divisions and 270 paramilitary companies stationed in the small state. Today a military camp can be found nearby every inhabited area of the region. In some parts, the area of land occupied by state security units exceeds that of the villagers. For instance, from Sangakpham Bazaar to Koirengei Duck Farm in Heingang Constituency, a distance of some 5.5 kilometres, the security forces have occupied some 470 acres of land.
There has not ever been a systematic assessment of the effects of militarisation on the people of Manipur. However, it can be said that three decades of suffering and humiliation at the hands of the military has greatly undermined people’s physical and spiritual integrity and threatened the survival of entire communities. The threats are variously direct--caused by extrajudicial executions, rape, torture, enforced disappearance and arbitrary detention--and indirect--caused by confiscation of arable agricultural land, sacred cultural sites and hillocks in residential areas, or restrictions on fishing, farming and other activities in forests and wetlands.
Confiscation of land for military deployment is a recurring cause for great hardship and dissatisfaction, as in the case of the occupation of over 200 acres of land at Mahakabui village in Senapati District, which is now a massive Assam Rifles camp. Land is occupied without regard to its value or importance to local inhabitants. The 8th Assam Rifles have taken over the Chinga Hills, considered a sacred site by the Meitei people. Likewise, they have occupied a prime location inside Manipur University campus which was once the place of the royal palace of King Gambhirsing, and Tombisana School in the heart of Imphal town has been occupied by the Central Reserve Police Force. Elsewhere in the town, the Kangla Pungmayol, a cultural and historical site that was a traditional seat of Manipuri kings, was until recently occupied by the Assam Rifles. Even now the military is attempting to acquire another 120 acres of land at Luwangsangbam in Imphal East District, and at the Waithou Hills.
Where army camps are set up, villagers lose not only their land but also suffer many other restrictions that affect their livelihoods. The 7th Assam Rifles deployed at Thanga Karang and Sendra has completely banned fishing in Loktak Lake after dark, and strictly regulates it at other hours. It has also ordered people there off floating huts in the lake that allowed them the time and means to earn their livings from fishing. These are just the latest impositions on the local population, who were already displaced and denied compensation after a hydroelectric project was commissioned in 1984. Meanwhile, the Khunkhu village council and United North Eastern Tribal Village Authorities Council have consistently complained about troops from Leimakhong army base using a nearby area as a firing range. Intense artillery and small arms practice there has killed and injured villagers and their domestic animals. During firing practices of more than two weeks, villagers and their cattle are forbidden to move out of their houses. The villagers filed a petition to the Guwahati High Court in 1997 and the court in September 1998 directed the army to shift the firing practice location from time to time and pay compensation for casualties. However, the court order has not been respected, in violation of the Maneuvers, Field Firing and Artillery Practice Act of 1938, which obliges compensation for loss of livelihood and damage to crops due to field firing and artillery practice.
The psychological effects of living within sight of an army camp or similar facility, common throughout Manipur and other northeastern states of India, also have not been properly studied. What can be said with certainty is that the heavy military presence precipitates a breakdown in local communication, making people vulnerable to suspicion and forcing communities to close themselves to the outside.
Increasingly the military is being deployed in Manipur to protect unsustainable and exploitative government projects. The Loktak Hydroelectric Power Project, which displaced thousands of people in Thoubal and Bishenpur Districts without compensation and caused massive destruction to the Loktak Wetlands, is being protected by the Central Reserve Police Force and the Border Security Forces. The Assam Rifles and Indian Reserve Battalion are guarding the Mapithel Dam of the Thoubal Multipurpose Project in Ukhrul District, the construction of which has been vehemently opposed by local people. Three people died in December 2005 when the Border Security Forces and Indian Reserve Battalion fired upon villagers demanding proper rehabilitation and resettlement after they were forced out of their houses by the Khuga Dam. And the Assam Rifles has publicly stated that they will protect the construction of Tipaimukh High Dam, which local people have opposed for over two decades.
The expansion of the military and related agencies in Manipur has created enormous problems for civil society. While the government complains that it has no money with which to support civilian institutions, it has blatantly pumped millions more rupees every year into the police and army forces stationed throughout the state. Meanwhile, the spaces for dissent have steadily shrunk.
Public resistance to the militarisation of Manipur began with the historic protests in the early 1980s against the killings and atrocities in Patsoi Langjing perpetrated by the Central Reserve Police Force, including the rape of a pregnant woman. As the legacy of atrocities has continued till today so also has the legacy of protest against injustice, which has been consistently met with violence.
The militarisation of Manipur must be taken seriously. The government of India must stop viewing Manipur simply in terms of military calculations. The idea that militarisation creates national security cannot be sustained: all that it reveals is a hardened denial of fundamental rights, and disinterest in the cries of people calling for justice.
As far back as 1997 the UN Human Rights Committee called upon the government of India to adopt a political, rather than military, solution to the conflict in Manipur. The people of Manipur would welcome the same. The fact that insurgent groups have only gained momentum and strength indicates that three decades of militarisation in Manipur have not worked. Listening and responding to the voices of the people of Manipur for a political solution would be a vastly superior alternative.
India: Concern over reported unlawful killings by security personnel in Assam
Amnesty International is concerned at reports of shootings, allegedly carried out by Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel, that resulted in the death of two local businessmen near Geleki town, Sivasagar district (a town outside CISF jurisdiction in Upper Assam) on 23 January 2007. A third businessman was seriously injured.
Amnesty International would like to remind the Indian authorities that they are obliged, under both international human rights law and the Indian Constitution, to ensure that no one is arbitrarily deprived of their right to life.
According to reports, Mr Nilikesh Gogoi, Mr Bholu and Mr Arun Saikia were returning from a coal depot in Anakbati when the shooting took place. According to Arun Saikia, who is currently undergoing treatment for bullet wounds to his stomach, CISF personnel overtook their vehicle when they were returning from Anakibati, a town bordering Nagaland, at approximately 23.30 and without warning immediately opened fire on the unarmed civilians.
Amnesty International understands that a judicial inquiry into the incident has been ordered by Tarun Gogoi, Chief Minister of Assam, and that compensation to the families of the deceased has been offered. The organization understands that no action has been taken against the Deputy Commandant who is reported to have ordered the shooting. CISF constable Padum Bora, who is the personal bodyguard of Deputy Commandant and reportedly carried out the shooting on his orders, has been arrested.
India is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which provides for the right to life, which must be respected in all circumstances. Under the Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, the intentional use of firearms is prohibited except when strictly unavoidable to protect life -- that is, in self-defence or the defence of others against whom there is an imminent threat of death or serious injury (Principle 9). Even when the use of such force is unavoidable, it must be used with restraint and in proportion to the seriousness of the offence. (Principles 4, 5 (a) and 5 (b). It is also explicitly stated that if firearms are to be used a clear warning must first be given (Principle 10). Amnesty International has information which leads it to believe that the incident which took place on Tuesday evening has violated the Principles, and the victims’ right to life. Amnesty International is concerned that the Basic Principles and accompanying procedures appear not to have been adequately embedded within the CISF’s training and practice.
Amnesty International would also like to remind the authorities conducting the probe to comply with the Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extralegal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions which spell out in detail the obligations of governments to conduct inquiries into unlawful killings. Such inquiries should seek to determine the cause, manner and time of death, the person(s) responsible, and any pattern or practice which may have brought about the deaths. They should include an adequate autopsy, collection and analysis of all physical and documentary evidence and statements from witnesses. Those who have ordered unlawful killings or are in any other way responsible should be held to account as well as those who have carried the killings out. In accordance with Principle 17, written reports must be made within a reasonable time on the methods and findings of the inquiry. These must be made public immediately and include the scope of the inquiry, procedures and methods used to evaluate the evidence as well as conclusions and recommendations based on findings of fact and on applicable law.
I have changed the title of my news weekly from "HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH'S" to
" e-Voice Of Human Rights Watch" under the pressure of big bullying elements / corrupt elements . those corrupt elements have succeeded in influencing yahoo india to close access to me. Yahoo India has done their bidding , as yahoo did in china to silence human rights activists. However I am continuing with my crusade as ever , which best describes the new title of my news paper by the work I perform .Also note my alternate home pages .
name : ...........................NAGARAJ.M.R.
new address : ...................LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS OFFICE , LAKSHMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL , MYSORE - 570017 INDIA
Old title of paper : HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH’S
new title of paper : e-Voice Of Human Rights Watch
periodicity : WEEKLY
donations : NOT ACCEPTED
owner/editor/printer/publisher : NAGARAJ.M.R.
nationality : INDIAN
home page : .http://hrwpaper.blogspot.com/
contact : naghrw@yahoo.com , nagarajhrw@hotmail.com
cell : 9341820313
I ,NAGARAJ.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief.
date : 07/02/2007 your's sincerely,
place : India Nagaraj.M.R.
Edited , printed , published owned by NAGARAJ.M.R. @ # LIG-2 / 761,HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL , MYSORE – 570017 INDIA………cell : 9341820313
home page : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw ,
http://indiapolicelaw.blogspot.com/ , http://hrwpaper.blogspot.com/, http://e-voiceofhumanrightswatch.blogspot.com/
contact : naghrw@yahoo.com , nagarajhrw@hotmail.com
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